Soluciones Terapéuticas

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Showing 13–18 of 18 results

  • Pall AquaSafe™ AQF4A

    Pall-Aquasafe™ Disposable Shower Head Filters For Up to 31 Day Use

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  • PharmAssure® Pharmacy Filtration Devices HP4642

    Complete range of filtration devices for the pharmacy setting Filters and venting devices assist in preparation and delivery of pharmaceutical products Wide selection of pore sizes for removal of microorganisms and hazardous particles Safe and effective vial venting to protect health care personnel from exposure to harmful drug aerosols

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  • Premixslip®

    Premixslip® is a non-sticky, non-toxic, silicone free and water-soluble mineral oil lubricant that can withstand the high temperatures of autoclaving without becoming gummy. Forming a protective barrier on surgical instruments, Premixslip® prevents rusting, staining, spotting and restores articulation to sticky box-locks and joints. Used routinely as part of the Ruhof Instrument Care System, Premixslip® will greatly reduce repair and replacement costs.

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  • Prepzyme®

    Prepzyme is a multi-tiered enzymatic foam spray that helps to prevent The adhesion of bio-burden to the surfaces of all surgical instruments and scopes. Prepzyme® is a safe and ideal method for keeping soiled instruments and scopes moist, helping to prevent bio-burden from adhering to the surface prior to decontamination. Prepzyme® covers theinstruments and begins breaking down blood, fat, protein and carbohydrates before they arrive in the central service/decontamination room.

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  • Surgistain®

    Surgistain® is a safe, efficient and quick revitalizing solution for stainless steel surgical instruments, trays, basins and case carts. The product removes rust, stains, spotting, hard water scale and mineral deposits frequently encountered from sterilization. It also helps to loosen stiff joints and locks.

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  • Washer- Pasteurizer/High Level Desinfectors Cenorin 610

    The Cenorin 610 and Cenorin 610HT Washer-Pasteurizer/High Level Disinfectors are an alternative to traditional methods of chemical disinfection. The units provide cleaning and high level disinfection of semi-critical and non-critical medical devices using thermal disinfection by full immersion pasteurization. Users can take advantage of the automatic washing cycle to clean items before further processing.

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