TriDM cuenta con un sólido portafolio que brinda soluciones terapéuticas integrales
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Showing 289–300 of 304 results
VAC® Veraflo™ (Instillation)
VAC. La Terapia VERAFLO ™ combina los beneficios de la Terapia V.A.C.® con la distribución y eliminación automática de la solución tópica para heridas.
Ventilation Breathing BB25
Routine use of this device will protect the interior of the breathing system from patient-derived contamination, allowing extended use of the machine side of the breathing system when used with a Pall Ultipor™ Anesthesia Breathing Circuit System.*
Visioplex is a non-stimulating needle for plexus and peripheral nerve blocks that is performed using ultrasound guidance (without electro-neuro-stimulation). To make the needle more echogenic, the stainless steel of the needle has been specifically treated at the distal end of the last centimeter. Visioplex is also indicated for TAP blocks (Tranversus Abdominis Plane blocks).
VNS Therapy
VNS Therapy is delivered through a device that sends mild pulses to the vagus nerve at regular intervals throughout the day in an effort to prevent seizures.
Vystar Manifold Llave de 3 Vias
Biovystar / Vystar ramp of stopcocks is an add-on device for intravenous catheters comprising: a body molded in a lipid-resistant raw material (polycarbonate) and transparent to detect air bubbles to facilitate the priming of the device. stopcocks in polyoxymethylene (POM), each stopcock having a different colour.
Vystar Manifold Llave de 3 Vias
Biovystar / Vystar ramp of stopcocks is an add-on device for intravenous catheters comprising: a body molded in a lipid-resistant raw material (polycarbonate) and transparent to detect air bubbles to facilitate the priming of the device. stopcocks in polyoxymethylene (POM), each stopcock having a different colour.
Washer- Pasteurizer/High Level Desinfectors Cenorin 610
The Cenorin 610 and Cenorin 610HT Washer-Pasteurizer/High Level Disinfectors are an alternative to traditional methods of chemical disinfection. The units provide cleaning and high level disinfection of semi-critical and non-critical medical devices using thermal disinfection by full immersion pasteurization
Washer- Pasteurizer/High Level Desinfectors Cenorin 610
The Cenorin 610 and Cenorin 610HT Washer-Pasteurizer/High Level Disinfectors are an alternative to traditional methods of chemical disinfection. The units provide cleaning and high level disinfection of semi-critical and non-critical medical devices using thermal disinfection by full immersion pasteurization. Users can take advantage of the automatic washing cycle to clean items before further processing.