Soluciones Terapéuticas

TriDM cuenta con un sólido portafolio que brinda soluciones terapéuticas integrales

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Mostrando todos los resultados 5

  • BB100 Filters

    Extended Life Breathing System Filter for Use in Anesthesia and Intensive care

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  • BB50 Filters

    Designed for Large Volume Requirements and Extended Service Life, disposable single use patient filter, effective barrier with bacterial/viral removal of >99.999%

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  • Pall AquaSafe™ AQ31F1SA

    Pall-Aquasafe™ Disposable Water Filter – Tap For Up to 31 Day Use (with Jet Outlet)

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  • Pall AquaSafe™ AQF4A

    Pall-Aquasafe™ Disposable Shower Head Filters For Up to 31 Day Use

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  • Ventilation Breathing BB25

    Routine use of this device will protect the interior of the breathing system from patient-derived contamination, allowing extended use of the machine side of the breathing system when used with a Pall Ultipor™ Anesthesia Breathing Circuit System.*

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