Soluciones Terapéuticas

TriDM cuenta con un sólido portafolio que brinda soluciones terapéuticas integrales

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Mostrando todos los resultados 9

  • Calistar

    Calistar Single Incision POP Repair System is indicated for anterior and apical prolapse repair (Calistar S), as well as posterior and apical prolapse repair (Calistar P) by reinforcing the support structures of the pelvic floor.

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  • Canastillas de Extracción

    Cesta de nitinol para extracción de cálculos / Semi rígida / 4 hilos helicoidales

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  • Dilatadores de Amplatz

    Kit de Dilatadores Amplatz

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  • Guía de Nitinol

    Guía de nitinol con revestimiento de PTFE. Doble color, con punta hidrofílica.

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  • Protesis Testicular N&S

    The state-of-the-art silicone elastomer used to manufacture the prosthesis gives a natural consistency possible thanks to the low-degree hardness of the materia.

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  • Splentis

    Splentis is indicated for Vaginal Colpopexy providing a reliable apical suspension in minimal invasive surgery, through anterior or posterior approach.

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  • Steema

    Steema systems allow surgeons to choose the best surgical approach for each patient: Steema Dual TOT Sling System for transobturator approach (to be used either in-out or out-in), and Steema Retropubic Sling System for vaginal (retropubic) approach.

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  • Stents Uretrales doble J

    Stents Uretrales Doble J

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  • Unitape

    The unequaled versatility of Unitape allows surgeons to choose the best surgical approach for each patient: Unitape TPlus for transobturator approach; Unitape VS, for vaginal/suprapubic approach.

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